Tag Archives: Iron Firemen

Heading to Baltimore for EMS Today and the Blogger Meetup!

Willie Wines Jr. and I are heading to Baltimore for the Meetup at EMS Today. Our stay will be short and we aren't even sure if we will make it to the exhibit hall on Friday or have to head home early yet. However, if you are in Baltimore and want to catch up with us and network with so many other bloggers and EMS professionals plan to attend the meetup. These meetups that are at the various Fire and/or EMS conferences are a blast. They are typically hosted by JEMS, Fire Rescue Magazine, FireEMSBlogs.com, or Firefighter Nation and are well enjoyed by many. Don't worry, you don't have to be a member or blogger of those networks...just plan on coming and having fun!

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Voting Continues and heats up for the Blog of the Year!

What has been interesting is how on Sunday, Rescuing Providence has narrowed the almost 150 vote lead by A Day in the Life of An Ambulance Driver to less than 100 votes. Last year, we saw the majority of the votes in the last two days. Anything can happen. It all depends on who is pulling for who and how many votes you can get (obviously).

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Where has The Fire Critic Been?

Here is a little update as to what I have been up to besides the Black Diamond Boots Fire & EMS Blog of the Year contest. You might have also noticed my lack of posting the past several days. My birthday was on the 28th and I spent the day doing some things I don't normally get to do. I haven't taken a break from the web sites like this in a long time! I think I deserved it!

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Voting Continues and Listen to the Finalists Tonight on Firefighter Netcast LIVE!

The Voting Continues for the Black Diamond Boots Fire & EMS Blog of the Year Contest. Don't let any early leads make you complacent. Last year we saw some early leads and strong comebacks. Just today we have seen several blogs getting a lot of votes! Tonight (Wed. Jan. 26th), the finalists have been invited to be on Firefighter Netcast. The direct show link is here and it starts at 9pm EST!

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