Largest Fire in Iceland since 1989 hits Skeifunni Reykjavik. (5 Videos + drone)

Captain Wines and I always kid around saying “We are huge in Iceland”…It is a typical response when someone says they see us everywhere or something like that. The truth is we are not huge in Iceland…what is big in Iceland is this fire today. Check out the video and info below. All apologies for errors in translating. 

News Coverage

(translated) The Fire in Skeifunni is possibly the largest fire disaster in Iceland from fires in Rubber studio in 1989. This said firefighters at the scene of the news has spoken to tonight. The first mention of the fire spread from house fire Fannar an hour of eight o’clock.

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(translated) Approximately 30 firefighters are now working in Skeifunni Reykjavik where great fire that was last night. Work is in progress to try turning off the lights in the buildings that still lights up. Only a quarter of the building stands complete by.The second is gone.

Skeifunni Reykjavik iceland fire