Tag Archives: Influential Fire Reports

First Due Blog Carnival Episode 2 in the Books

There were some new blogs in the mix and some non-bloggers who submitted their articles to be posted on blogs as well! It seems as though this thing is catching on. Episode 2 titled "Influential Fire Reports" struck a cord with a lot of people and really helped put a thumb on what has influenced many firefighters! I must say that the best part of episode 2 is the thought that a family member may come across it and see that their relative's death/injury resulted in a positive learning experience for someone else. It also proves that no one is forgotten...

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My Most Influential Fire Report – Kyle Wilson LODD Report

Kyle's death resounded across Virginia and the rest of the Nation with a loud "it could happen to you!". Firefighters are very good at thinking that things will never happen to them. It always happens to someone else. Even though Kyle worked at a department on the other side of the State from me, it seemed as though it happened to my department. It left a resounding wake up call to many firefighters in my area.

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