Soon to be Ex-Firefighter Caught Trying to Poison his Lieutenant

What an asshole.

A firefighter in Titusville, Florida has confessed to several pranks against his Lieutenant, Lt. Phil Jones, including putting a poisonous substance in his canteen. Randy Moore, confessed and gave up the goose on another firefighter who supposedly helped/watched him commit the crime.

Jones has been with the department 28 years and worked with Moore for 12 of them. So far, Moore hasn’t given any reason for his actions other than saying it was a joke and “he did not want to kill the victim he was just upset with him.”

The substance, Gunk, is a cleaning solvent used by mechanics to clean engines. It is labeled as harmful or fatal if swallowed.

The pranks against Jones started 6 months ago. Moore is currently in jail without bond. As for his employment, he is on administrative leave pending the investigation.

Read the affidavit here

According to the police report, Moore had engaged in a number of acts “targeting the victim Lt. Phil Jones,” over several weeks, including writing derogatory statements about Jones, putting spices in his coffee, tampering with files and other acts meant to embarrass Jones.


Randy Moore