Exposure Control

Below I have attached a perfect example of exposure control. A fire threatens a barn/garage structure and firefighters are quick to wet it down to prevent the spread of fire and protect the structure. This is a textbook example of how to focus on what is worth saving and how putting the wet stuff on the red stuff isn’t always the first thing that needs to be done. Firefighters place a handline in service directing the stream on the exposure while the pile of debris burns. Once firefighters are able to get more lines into place, the fire is extinguished. Great job guys!

So what if they weren’t protecting a million dollar mansion, property is property and property saved is a job well done. If the first hoseline was directed on the fire itself, the exposure might have caught fire creating a bigger problem and extending the fire damage to a building that should have been saved.

Info from the video:

The Dallas Center Fire Department responded to a structure fire Wednesday, July 29. A refuse fire was threatening to burn down a nearby barn; firefighters were able to save the barn.