PETA to SissonVille: Let us Advertise Bikini Clad Women on your Fire Helmets

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has offered the Sissonville VFD to place ads on their helmets. The funds could help Sissonville rebuild after a devastating fire at their firehouse. The ads that PETA is proposing would say “Vegans Are Hot! Free Smokin’ recipes:,” and…Bikini Clad Women.

The Sissonville VFD lost over $2 million when their firehouse burned and in equipment and apparatus.

I am not sure what women in bikini’s have to do with it, but I like it! I also like eating big juicy medium-rare steaks…

Helmet Ads…This just doesn’t seem like a feasible ad placement to me. I could see an ad placement on the side of a rig, or a billboard on the side of the new station. I just can’t see an ad on a fire helmet being all that effective.

PETA’s inspiration for the ad proposal is based on the book “The Engine 2 Diet,” written by a Texas firefighter, according to a news release from the animal rights group.

The group also offered to send the Sissonville VFD a week’s worth of veggie dogs and burgers, in addition to copies of “The Engine 2 Diet.” Read more