Fire Critic will be on the Doctor Anonymous Show Tonight

firefighter_netcastThis evening (Thursday the 18th), John Mitchell and myself will be featured guests on the Doctor Anonymous Show. John and I are the crew of Firefighter Netcast. John also runs

You can follow Firefighter Netcast on twitter and facebook as well. The links are at

Doctor Anonymous uses Blog Talk Radio just like we do on our netcasts.

You can read more about our show tonight here including a video preview of the show.

It will be new to us being featured on another show. We have called in before on others shows, but never featured!

From Doctor Anonymous:

So, I hope you’ll be able to join us live on Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 9pm Eastern Time for Doctor Anonymous Show 147. For those who may be new to the show, there is a chat room during the show. You can also call in to say hello. There is even a webcam so that you can see me do the show live before your very eyes. Don’t forget to become a Facebook Fan of the show. Also, check out the video promo below. Hope to see you for this week’s show!