Your Unofficial Guide to “The Project”

If you haven’t heard, The Happy Medic and Medic 999 are embarking on an educational on-the-job meet up. Justin Schorr, whose name I knew before it was cool to know his name, will be having Mark Glencorse over for eight days in San Francisco. The San Francisco Fire Department being the place of Justin (The Happy Medic) Schorr’s employment. Following those eight days, Mark will go swim home and  Justin will head to England a couple of days later to have tea and crumpets and a ride along with Mark. The North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust being the place of Mark’s employment.

USA-UK-BADGE-300x189Follow down to the bottom of the post for important terms, how to follow, and where to follow regarding the project!

This whole “Project” came about after a “courting” period between the two bloggers. They often discussed clinical applications of pre-hospital emergency care. Justin being a Firefighter/Paramedic on an engine and Mark a Medic in a car for the North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust.

Through comments on each others blogs, email, and phone calls they hatched The Project. Originally, the BBC was going to follow along and film The Project but they pulled the plug in negotiations with Mark’s employer.

Now, Ted Setla (@Setla)is working on filming of The Project (at least State-side).Link

The Project is a unique endeavor planned and executed by the two. The promoting,discussing, and marketing has been a free for all by many top names in the EMS industry! The Project has been dissected, boasted, envied, and examined by many through twitter, facebook, and blogs.

Justin and Mark promise blogging, tweeting, videos, emails, carrier pigeons, smoke signals, and messages in bottles to get their project out to the masses as it happens!

Many industry professionals (EMS, Medics, PIO’s, Social Marketers, Fire, etc.) are watching and maybe even holding their breathe a little to see what will become of this.

On the heels of a very successful twitter/blogging/video social media marketed EMS Expo, many are wondering what is next…We will just have to wait and see.

If you would like to follow along, keep an eye on the links below throughout the next 3 weeks and beyond!

Important terms

  • Justin Schorr = The Happy Medic, Happy Medic, HM. Located in San Francisco.
  • HMHQ = Happy Medic HeadQuarters aka Justin’s house.
  • Mark Glencorse = 999 Medic, Medic 999, That English Guy. Located in NewCastle. (I always wanted to live in a brewery!)
  • The hashtags for The Project on Twitter are #911999 (the project) and #CoEMS (chronicles of EMS)

Follow along with The Happy Medic and Medic 999

In the news and about The Project

Follow the Chronicles of EMS

Can someone please translate this into English for Mark?

Justin…enjoy the boo-doo siren and blue lights! I hope your tall lanky A@# fits in that little car!