Monday Morning Shoutout – The EMT Spot

This weeks Monday Morning Shoutout goes to The EMT Spot. This is a must read for EMT’s. Being that most Firefighters are EMT’s he has you covered too. The EMT Spot is a hybrid website/blog that appears as if it a blog, but its offerings are more of a website. He has a certain posting schedule and appears to stick to it.

The insight offered by first hand experience is great. Steve Whitehead is the man behind the site. He is a Firefighter/Paramedic for the South Metro Fire Rescue Authority (Colorado).

The mission of his site is:

Welcome to The EMT Spot! I created this website for you. Whether you are an EMT basic, an intermediate or a paramedic, I made this site with the purpose of delivering information valuable to the professional Emergency Medical Technician.

If you are an EMT or on the road to becoming an EMT, first allow me to offer my congratulations. At some point you were faced with the same question that all of us have faced. Do something safe, something predictable, something socially appealing or go your own way and choose the life outside the convenient norms. You, like me, choose this second path, a life less ordinary. You chose to swallow Morpheus’s red pill and follow Alice down the wormhole. I commend you.


The EMT Spot