Firefighters responded to a house fire in the 1600 block of Washington Avenue in Sheboygan, Wisconsin on Sunday, February 2, 2014.
Read More »Video: Devalan, WI Firefighters Make Quick Work of Well Involved House Fire
By all appearances, this seems to be a pretty decent knockdown by a single engine company after arriving to a well involved single family dwelling. I am sure it helped that they are obviously carrying more than the standard 500 gallons of tank water and have a hydrant nearby.
Read More »Raw Video: House Fire in Lac La Belle, Wisconsin
Neighbors on Monastery Hill Lane in the Village of Lac La Belle called firefighters around 10:30 p.m. Monday after they saw flames coming from a home. By the time fire crews arrived, the home was fully engulfed.
Read More »Video: Explosion Rocks Glendale, WI Home.
A good samaritan rescued the occupant and his caretaker from this home after an explosion rocked the neighborhood. In all, 5 people were injured including one firefighter. The house was leveled and went up in flames before firefighters could get there.
Read More »The State of the Fire Service – Pension Attacks and Union Busting
So many firefighters have been fighting for collective bargaining for years...and now that fight has swayed to keep collective bargaining for the ones who already have it. Now our pensions are under attack. Our pensions, and our salaries are being scapegoated as the reason for budget deficits. We are the problem according to some.
Read More »Madison Firefighters Lead the Way in the Fight Against Union Busting
The measure had been moving quickly through the Wisconsin state legislature on its way to Governor Walker’s desk. Despite several attempts to amend the bill, it sailed through the legislature’s Joint Finance Committee in a 12-4 vote. Governor Walker has indicated that he wants the budget bill signed into law by February 22 before he begins work on the next year’s budget. IAFF 5th District Vice President Joe Conway says he expects more attacks on public sector unions in the next budget proposal as well.
Read More »Beloit Fire Audio Remix…You thought it was funny the first time!
The other day, I posted a video of a house fire in Beloit, Wisconsin (watch the original here). The video is not that great, but the audio is hilarious! I then said it would be hilarious if someone did a remix of the audio/video because I knew it would be funny. Well, someone came through with it. Who you might ask? ELAFF is who. Who is ELAFF? Thats easy... it is Exessive Leather Accessories for Firefighters.
Read More »House Fire Video/Audo: Beloit, Wisconsin…"You ain't lived in Beloit very long!"
I am posting it because of phrases like "You ain't lived in Beloit very long!" and "...but I don't want that bitch to explode!" and the best... "Damn Terrorist Attack". There are some other jewels in there as well. Somebody please remix this one! I think you will have something if you do! If you remix it, I will post it!
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