Once again, I give you the best firefighting calendars for 2019. I have enjoyed putting this article since 2010. For the most part, each of these calendars below represent dozens of people who volunteer their time to produce and market a calendar each year to raise money for their charity.
Read More »The Best Firefighter Calendars for 2018
While there are no prizes for being named a top calendar here on Fire Critic, there are bragging rights...and ultimately the purpose of this post is to help sell more calendars which will help out more charities.
Read More »Top Ten Christmas Gifts For Firefighters List for 2013
Here it is! The 2014 List of Top Ten Christmas Gifts for Firefighters from The Fire Critic! Enjoy...let me know if you would add something else.
Read More »Top Ten 2014 Female Firefighter Calendars
It is that time of year where I rank the top ten female firefighter calendars for the upcoming year. Each year they get better and better…
Read More »Top Ten 2013 Female Firefighter Calendars
I offer you the Top Ten 2013 Female Firefighter Calendars. Check them out and hit their links to see even more of the calendars. These make great Christmas Gifts!
Read More »Video: 2012 Firefighters Calendar Shoot
So I ask you, do I do one top ten list that has both or do a top ten list for each? If I were to do a Male Firefighter Calendar Top Ten list, I would probably be looking for a female to pick the top ten and help write the article. Let me know if you are interested!
Read More »What’s in Your Pockets? Here is What’s in Mine
Occasionally I will place other tools in my pockets to give them a try and see if they are something I forget on the engine or need frequently. Most of the time, I go back to the way it has been for years. I keep two sets of webbing, each secured in a loop with a caribeener or two for rescue, self-rescue, or a downed firefighter. I also carry the 25' prussick just in case I need to take a dive out of a window without the advantage of having a ladder (although I have no plans of needing this!)....you just never know!
Read More »Top Ten Hot & Sexy Firefighter Calendars for 2011
For several reasons, this years is simply titled top ten firefighter calendars for 2011. Basically, it wasn't fair to single out just the female calendars. I have plenty of readers who are female and many might enjoy the men's/coed calendars.
Read More »Xenia City Council Member expects firefighters to purchase their own gear! WTF? – With Video
This is amazing...Xenia (Oh) City Council doesn't know why firefighters don't understand that the City is under an economic crisis and want them to buy their own turnout gear. Xenia is the self proclaimed City of Hospitality!!!
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