I posted a video the other day of the Chattanooga Fire Recruits doing Thriller. You can see that video here. Now, they have uploaded a longer version...which includes the white shirts getting in on the fun! The video also shows the hard work and dedication of this group of fire recruits and their instructors. Great job!
Read More »Video: Chattanooga Firefighter Recruits Doing Thriller
Check out this video of the recruits at the Chattanooga Fire Academy doing Thriller by Michael Jackson. I have to admit, they do a pretty decent job. Some of you might think "What in the Hell are they doing that for". I think that is an acceptable thought. However, I don't really see any harm in it. In all actuallity, if you can get them to do this you should have any problem with them following directions in the future.
Read More »Edmonton Firefighters Fashion on Fire is Charity Fund Raising Genius
This morning, I was checking out FiregroundVideo.com (another site I run that is auto-fed youtube videos on fire service topics). One video caught my eye about dancing firefighters. I watched it and it led me to Fashion on Fire (FashiononFire.com). Fashion on Fire is a charity event hosted by the Edmonton Firefighters. All I can say is WOW! These guys really know how to raise money, have fun, and entertain the crowd. These guys have obviously put a lot of time and effort into this event, choreographing, and practicing.
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