Nashville District Fire Chief Bobby Connelly retired on Thursday. He spent the day with his firefighters. Connelly, 75, is retiring after 53 years as a firefighter.
Read More »Captain Joe Schmoe Retires
Captain Joe Schmoe is retiring from his fire department. His last day is today. I spoke with him on the phone earlier and he sounded upbeat about it. I can only imagine what it would be like to be working my last day on the job. It cannot be easy to leave what you love doing, your passion, and something you have done for so long. I don't think it will be long before he realizes how much he will enjoy retirement.
Read More »Retired Roanoke City Battalion Chief Bobbie Slayton Passes Away After More Than 44 Years of Service
Bobbie Slayton was hired by the Roanoke Fire Department on December 6, 1965 at the age of 21. He retired on July 1, 2010 after more than 44 years in the department as Battalion Chief 2 (Northside) on C-shift. Slayton is considered the 2nd longest* serving firefighter in Roanoke City’s history.
Read More »Gone But Not Forgotten
And for the guys who are sidelined, be sure to stop by for a meal from time to time. That is a great way to maintain a friendship with your peers. As time goes on, newer guys join or are hired. If you want to stay in the know and meet the new guys just stop in from time to time and enjoy the company. Then you can tell them about "Back in the Day"!!!
Read More »Top Ten Considerations on Which Department to Work For
Today, I offer you the top ten considerations on which department to work for. When young bucks go looking for a job, they mostly consider pay, how many fires, and location. These are great places to start when considering departments, ...
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