I'll admit that I have slow days. However, I post when I am able to. I took the 24th and 25th off, but quickly caught up! You should be keeping up with me at least...yes I am speaking to both of you (my readers)! There are some other links in there from some other sites as well!
Read More »Picture Taking Caught on Video Again…Acceptable or Not?
I would love to know if this is acceptable. What I mean is that if it were a PIO taking a photo. Of course, it is hard to tell from this video alone. One thing it does bring to mind is perception. You just never know what others may think if watching this video. Especially the homeowner... What do you think? Harmless or not?
Read More »The Fire Critic's School of Hard Knocks Policy on Social Media
I could have written a very nice, well written, and detailed example of a social media policy that departments might be able to use to their favor. I have decided to do something different. I will actually have plenty to come in the future as I gear up for my FDIC class on Social Media.
Read More »Monday Morning Shoutout – PGFD PIO Blog
This week's Monday Morning Shoutout goes to the PGFD PIO Blog. Mark Brady is the PIO for Prince George's County Fire Department in Maryland. His job, in my eyes, is one of the most difficult FD PIO jobs in the Nation. Why the most difficult? In my eyes because of the sheer size of the County, number of departments, it being a combination department, as well as many of the news stories and scandals that have occurred there.
Read More »Monday Morning Shoutout – The Fire PIO
Jeff offers ideas for PIO's, points out good and bad PIO work across the Nation, and blogs about other information for PIO's. If you have not been following him you should check him out. His blog is one of the newer additions to the FireEMSBlogs.com community.
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