Getting it on video...That is the difference between making a great speech to 10 people and making it to thousands. Brian Brush recently talked to a recruit class about what the fire service should mean to them, what it means to him, and why we should take pride in serving.
Read More »More Photos and Video: NFFF 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb at FDIC
The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation has uploaded a video for the NFFF 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb held at FDIC. It is available below. I look forward to participating in an event like this one some time soon! Dave Statter shot the video for the NFFF...and I was their to assist. To be clear, I was being held against my will by Dave Statter. I only kept the smile on my face because the NFFF is such a great cause!
Read More »FDIC Recap Part I…Networking and the 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb
Part I of several upcoming articles on FDIC 2011. Plenty of news and photos about FDIC, the 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb, The FOOLS Bash and hanging out with great people!
Read More »Gearing up for FDIC…The Fire Critic Offers Social Media Training
I will be teaching a class on Social Media for the Fire Service at FDIC this year. The class is titled "Social Media: The Fire Service's Next Big Innovation" Who should attend? Anyone interested in social media, blogging, and branding their department online. Administrators who want to learn about social media, get examples of social media policies, as well as firefighters who want to brand their companies and departments. There will be information for all levels!
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