View In "HD". A MASSIVE blaze totaling 2 Alarms in the Borough of Marion Heights. This is the old St. Mary's Catholic School which is vacant .....Units Assigned: Engines 71, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 - MCFD Truck 2 & Engine 2 & Rescue 5 - SFB Truck 32 & Rescue 62 - Ashland Truck 38 "The Pride of Midtown" - Aristes Fire Co. Engine 353 & 331 - KFD Engines 221 & 215 and numerous tankers.
Read More »Helmet Cam: Marshall, IL House Fire
On Monday, May 26th at 8:29 pm, Marshall Fire Protection District was dispatched to a structure fire at 206 Cherry Street. First arriving units found a single story wood frame structure with fire showing from the front. The fire was quickly knocked down without incidence.
Read More »One of those Calls You Never Want to Forget…
On August 21, 2012, baby Kylie was born at home. Her mother had been carrying her for 26 weeks. Quick thinking just prior to Kylie's birth resulted in a 911 call that sent E13, M4, and RS-1 to the house. Engine 13 got there quickly. What we were met with we weren't prepared fact, this is one of those calls that you are only prepared for IF you had run a similar call in the past (experience) and maybe not even then.
Read More »New York Firefighter is Finalist for Teacher of the Year…Your Help is Needed!
Your help is needed and this involves a very good man. This man has over 25 years as a Firefighter and is also a public school teacher: John "Motch" Motchkavitz is a Firefighter in Great Neck, Long Island, NY and a long time public school teacher for the Great Neck Public Schools. He is a FINALIST (one of 5, nationwide) as Teacher of The Year on the ABC-TV Kelly (Ripa) Michael TV Show-and the only Firefighter.
Read More »Helmet Cam: Initial Quint Attack in Gary, Indiana at House Fire
Truck 1 responds to a reported house on fire on May 12, 2014, at 600 Kentucky (actually 7th and Kentucky)...And Truck 1 is first on scene, reports smoke issuing from 2nd floor. The front jump line was pulled and flaked out, a scissor gate was padlocked on the front door and was forced, as well as the main door behind scissor gate.
Read More »Win a Phenix Leather TL-2 From Demers Ambulances at the Harrisburg Fire Expo
If you are attending the Lancaster County Firemen's Association Annual Fire Expo, you will want to read on for how to get entered to win a Phenix Leather TL-2 helmet from Demers Ambulances. demers 223Captain Wines will be at the show, I will not be able to make it. My Phenix TL-2 will be there to show off the type of helmet we are giving away. Stop by and snag a photo with it and share it on The Fire Critic Facebook page!
Read More »FDIC Wrap-Up IV – The 2014 Firefighter Turnout
On Friday night at FDIC, we threw a party. Last year, Captain Wines and I threw a small party and we had about 150 people in attendance. This year, there were 850 people there. However, it wasn't only our party. We teamed up with the crew from Firefighters Worldwide,, and all of the other bloggers on the 1st Arriving Network.
Read More »Who/What is The Fire Critic? Check out the Answers to These 26 Questions Asked by Friends
The other day on The Fire Critic Facebook page, I asked "Who has a question for me? Favorite book (fire service related)? Pride and Ownership by Rick's what is missing in much of the fire service today. Once you have pride and ownership everything else falls into place. It is that easy. Most just don't get it.
Read More »FDIC Wrap-Up III – Friday With Black Diamond Boots
On Friday, Captain Wines and I spent the second day in the Black Diamond booth. Our relationship with Black Diamond goes back 4-5 years. BD was one of the first companies who came out to support through advertising. They were there for the Blog of the Year contests, and many other give-aways along the way.
Read More »FDIC Wrap-Up Part II – The Indy Metro FOOLS Brotherhood Bash
Much like every year we have attended the Indy Metro Fools FDIC Brotherhood Bash, we had an exceptional time this year. What I love most about the FOOLS is that their are NO lines drawn in the sand. Training and is as simple as that.
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