As a fire service, we have a duty to make sure every attempt is made to utilize these grants. If we do not, the funding might not be there next year. Plus, free money? Who doesn't want that. Maybe you don't even know where to begin when writing a grant. There are several grant writing firms out there. Some offer customized grant writing, others offer samples of successful grants. What is $50 - $2000 (the higher for custom grant writing) when you could recieve thousands and maybe tens of thousands of dollars in grant money?
Read More »Video: Billy Goldfeder and IAFC President Jack Parow on HLN with Honorary Fire Chief Robin Meade
Loveland-Symmes Deputy Chief Billy Goldfeder, IAFC President Jack Parow, and Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director Mark Light were on HLN with Robin Meade this morning. Willie and I were busy, so we had them stand in for us...ha. What a great opportunity to educate the public about what we do, who we are, and what we are about.
Read More »110 For 343… Finishing the Climb
The second set of steps that we climbed to the 45th floor it was me and Willie. The others went on without us. They wanted to move quicker than we could move in our turnout gear. We accepted it. It gave Willie and I time to reflect without anyone within floors of us. Just us...climbing...for the 343. The quiet was only broke by the sound of Willie offering support in keeping me going. His encouragement which I desperately needed. It was tough. Willie wanted to make sure I was alright. Like any great Company Officer he was looking out for me. It was just us climbing, and we were able to pay our respects in our way without any distractions.
Read More »Video Review: Carbon Monoxide: The Silent Killer with Host Randolph Mantooth
What if there was something on the fireground killing firefighters that you cannot see, you cannot feel, you cannot smell, and you cannot hear. What if I told that that it could increase your chances of a heart attack and/or stroke even up to 72 hours AFTER you leave the fireground AND your exposure to it happens after MOST of the danger on the fireground is over. What if I told you that it can kill you immediately.
Read More »Volunteers…Who Needs Them?
These organizations were formed for a common goal, agenda, or purpose. They were built by firefighters, EMT's, and other public safety members. Many of them don't have any full time employees and rely on members volunteering their time to "work" for the organization. Even the organizations which do employ full time staff, they thrive off of volunteers to keep the organization moving. They cannot afford to pay everyone for their positions and utilize members who are passionate about their cause.
Read More »2009 Fire/EMS Safety, Health and Survival Week
The 2009 Fire/EMS Safety, Health and Survival Week is starts today June 14th – June 20th. For a review of what the event is look here. For useful resources to participate in the event look here. Protect Yourself: Your Safety, ...
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