Tag Archives: Humor

A Squirrel in the Fire Station?

The funny thing is that my guys had a little fun with my Captain the other day when I was off. Apparently my Captain freaked out while on an EMS call when one of the firefighters merely pointed out a plastic snake on the couch behind our Captain. After a few girlish squeals and some dancing around he calmed down.

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More Firehouse Pranks

Here at the Fire Critic we enjoy lightening the mood a bit from time to time...or all the time. Here are a couple more firehouse pranks for you guys to put in your toolbox!

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1 Rookie Firefighter 8 Pranks

These guys are good. They have either been following along on the Fire Critic or spent some time searching youtube for firefighter pranks. These Auburndale firefighters get the same rookie with some of the best pranks...most of which have to do with water. The jet dump lever one is the best!

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Editorial Cartoon: Old School Vs. New School, Engine Vs. Truck, or The New Age Firefighter

Is this the new guy going into battle with all that rookie school knowledge vs. the older and wiser guys? Is it simply the outside vent guys next to the do it all engine guys? Is it the dying breed of truckies next to the new age HAVE to do it all firefighter because of cutback? Does it show the more singular tasked firefighters of days long ago vs. today's vision of a firefighter by the beancounters? Quite possibly, it could be a vision of the Culture of Extinguishment vs. the Culture of Safety.

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Firefighter Pranked at the Wrong Time and Almost Loses It

This is a prank that has been around for a long time. The thing that makes this even more funny is that the firefighter is on the phone in some hypochondriac rant about how he doesn't get a little sick, he gets deathly sick. And then it happens. The setup has occured, the camera is in place...and the prank happens.

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