So many firefighters have been fighting for collective bargaining for years...and now that fight has swayed to keep collective bargaining for the ones who already have it. Now our pensions are under attack. Our pensions, and our salaries are being scapegoated as the reason for budget deficits. We are the problem according to some.
Read More »Madison Firefighters Lead the Way in the Fight Against Union Busting
The measure had been moving quickly through the Wisconsin state legislature on its way to Governor Walker’s desk. Despite several attempts to amend the bill, it sailed through the legislature’s Joint Finance Committee in a 12-4 vote. Governor Walker has indicated that he wants the budget bill signed into law by February 22 before he begins work on the next year’s budget. IAFF 5th District Vice President Joe Conway says he expects more attacks on public sector unions in the next budget proposal as well.
Read More »3 Banger in VA, Pension Attacks, Albuquerque Helmet Stickers, Austin Applicant Issues, and More
3 banger in Alexandria, helmet sticker controversy in Albuquerque, application woes in Austin, fire service product reviews, the Firemom weighs in on Ohio Senate Bill 5, Hosed humor on volunteer firefighters, bonus fire footage from Westerly, Rhode Island,firefighter fired after stealing, and Ed Schultz and Harold Schaitberger weigh in on firefighter pension attacks....check it out!
Read More »The IAFF and MSNBC’s ED Schultz Take a Stand Against Attacks on Firefighters Pensions.
Unless you live under a rock, you should know by now that firefighters pensions are under attack. This is just the newest attack on firefighters. Not that all the others have gone away...that is far from the truth. Firefighters are still battling staffing cuts, pay cuts, rolling brownouts, increased employee contributions to pensions, decreased funding, increased insurance costs, station closures, and much more...yet our phone number (911) is still the number that anyone and everyone calls when they need help.
Read More »IAFF's Harold Schaitberger Weighs in on Passage of the 9/11 Health Care Bill and Chicago LODD's
IAFF General President Harold Shaitberger weighs in on the Holidays, the passage of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, and the Recent LODD's in Chicago.
Read More »Chiefs…Are You Listening?
Here is a great quote by Harold Schaitberger today at FDIC... Fire chiefs need to make clear the impacts public safety cuts will have on their communities on the safety of both firefighters and civilians, he told the conference. The Fire Critic says...Nuff said
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