Just a quick look from Captain John Stevens perspective at a routine fire for Engine Co. 66 on July 4th 2015. E66 making a quick knock down. Video Shot with GoPro Hero 4 in Richmond California RFD's Captain John Stevens and Alex Schindler arrive first on scene of a two story residential home with moderate to heavy smoke showing and report of a child trapped over the radio.
Read More »Video: Houston Fire Station 51 Goes To Jobs…
Houston Fire Station 51 ABC and D Shifts footage of fires made in 2015.
Read More »Helmet Cam: House Burns Second Time in Kansas City
House fire. If you listen to the firefighters you will learn that they had a fire in the same house the last shift. The firefighters discuss what they know of the dwelling as they arrive.
Read More »Helmet Cam: Deck Fire With Extension in Havre de Grace, MD
At 1813hrs on 6/11/15, the 560 Fire Box was struck for the reported house fire at 103 Tidewater Drive. Quint 535 (w/8) was first on scene with smoke showing from the rear of the two story single family dwelling. One attack line was quickly deployed to the rear, where the crew found fire on the deck.
Read More »Helmet Cam Video: Firefighters Narrowly Escape Flashover during Search
Video Shot with GoPro Hero 4. June 16th 2015, Richmond California Engine Co. 67 Captain Marc Lucero arrive first on scene of a two story apartment building with a working fire on the second floor. Immediately told there was someone inside trapped Captain's Marc Lucero and Victor Bontempo perform a search with the rooms flash over and it is time to get out.
Read More »Helmet Cam: Well Involved House Fire
Filmed with the FireCam Mini HD. Engine 1, Engine 2, and other Mutual Aid Companies responded to a 1 Alarm Residential Fire on 6/10/15. Engine 1 and Engine 2 arrived on location to find a single story single family dwelling with heavy fire showing from the "A" and "D" side. Crews attacked the fire with a combination offensive/defensive attack. Fire was contained to the front rooms and attic of the residence.
Read More »Helmet Cam: House Fire Initial Attack in Oliver Springs, TN
6 Min of initial fire attack from back up persons, initial reports subject still inside the building. Heavy involvement on C/D corner. The view is from Captain Jordan Alcorns with the Oliver Springs FD (TN). Oliver Springs assisted Marlow FD with the house fire on Cove Lane.
Read More »Helmet Cam Video: MAYDAY Caught on Video. Firefighter Rescued From Basement
Lansing MI, Fire Fighter MAYDAY Rescue caught on video (several angles) On Friday March 20, 2015 at 5:58 am the Lansing Fire Department responded with 3 Engine companies, 2 Truck companies, 2 Battalion Chiefs, and 1 Medic unit (25 personnel total) to a residential structure fire. During the initial attack the nozzle man, after sounding the floor, crawled on to a wood living room floor and subsequently fell thru the collapsed floor into the basement.
Read More »Helmet Cam Video: Calm Captain Takes Time to Instruct Rookie on First Interior Attack
Fire Shot with the New HD Firecam May 3rd 2015, Richmond California Engine Co. 67 Takes New Rookie Jessica Wraa in on one of her first interior attacks. Captain Marc Lucero, Jessica Wraa and Ben Faulkner make an interior attack on a garage fire on the south side of town. This was one of three fires the rookie had in three days. Fun part of this video is when the Truck Co loses their rubbish hook thru the hold while doing some roof work. We didn't complain to them just thanked them and used the tool!
Read More »Helmet Cam: Transitional Attack with Shorthanded Crew
This fire occurred on 3/29/15. Upon arrival the first due Engine, along with the Chief (#302), made a fast attack on the exterior C side of the structure with heavy fire and smoke showing. I (#304) arrived (off duty) seconds after E#1 and began donning my PPE. The Driver (#306) Of E#1 also began donning his PPE and was about a minute behind my making entry into the Structure. The second FireCam video is from one of our volunteer firefighters (#318) and his arrival was just a few minutes behind our arrival and he made entry to begin searching for extension and hidden fire. This was a vacant, single story, wood frame dwelling.
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