Tag Archives: Firehouse Dolls

The Best Firefighter Calendars of 2019

Once again, I give you the best firefighting calendars for 2019. I have enjoyed putting this article since 2010. For the most part, each of these calendars below represent dozens of people who volunteer their time to produce and market a calendar each year to raise money for their charity.

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Video: 2012 Firefighters Calendar Shoot

So I ask you, do I do one top ten list that has both or do a top ten list for each? If I were to do a Male Firefighter Calendar Top Ten list, I would probably be looking for a female to pick the top ten and help write the article. Let me know if you are interested!

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Firehouse Dolls 2011 Calendar Sneak Preview

The new look is that of a classier more professional feel. The days of almost completely naked women are behind us. Now you can enjoy real women firefighters who enjoy still showing off their bodies and might not have as big an issue with job security.We can all respect that! To be honest with you, I am not sure exactly why they have changed the format. I can guess that it has something to do with being more professional, less controversial, and more representative of the class of our American Women Firefighters.

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