This shield is quality built and appears to be ready to hold up for years to come. JP uses two 8/9 oz. pieces of leather on their fronts. Mine has recessed areas which are stamped and hand painted. I couldn't be more pleased with the design and quality of this helmet front!
Read More »Streamlight Vantage® II Ultra-Compact Helmet Mounted Light – Product Snapshot
I think this might be a keeper. It seems as though Streamlight has done their homework with this one and produced a very effective helmet mounted light without compromising comfort, weight, or accessibility. I highly recommend this product if you are in the market for a helmet light!
Read More »Custom Leather Front by Hedges Leather – Product Review
The unique craftsmanship that stands out with HedgesLeather is the recessed parts on the helmet. Like it is routed out by a leather CMC machine. It really helps the focus remain on the middle which shows off whatever you want it to. In this case, it is a rendering of the Fire Critic Challenge Coin.
Read More »Firefighter Interview Rule Book – Product Review
This is a thorough book detailing everything you need for unwritten interviews. The 110 page paperback includes time-frames, practice, and much more for for the candidate to go through whether you are practicing to get hired or even promoted.
Read More »Capt. Jim Fire Hood – Product Review
The Capt. Jim Spentex Fire Hood offers firefighters tremendous durability and a high level of protection against intense heat and flames.
Read More »Channellock Model 86 Rescue Tool: Product Review
For me, the reason for carrying a set of Channellock rescue tools is two-fold. I always have some cutters on me in a time of need (whatever that might be (including a spanner wrench). The other main reason is we run a lot of car wrecks. One of my roles at wrecks is to assess the vehicles involved and disconnect the battery if need be. My cutters come in handy if I cannot reach the terminals to loosen them, I simply cut the wire to get the job done quickly.
Read More »Product Review: FoxFury SideSlide C-Clamp Side Mounted Helmet Light
This is a product review for the FoxFury: SideSlide C-Clamp Side Mounted Helmet Light, 200 Lumens Powerful LED flashlight with innovative helmet adapter, which allows the light to convert to a side mounted helmet light in seconds. Features a rear safety LED that helps you be seen on scene.
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Willie ( are always looking for decent products. Mostly, we don't search around for them, they find us. Forward thinking companies have latched on to the social media, marketing, and advertising network that is slowly evolving and centered around blogging, facebook, and a couple of web sites.
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