Tag Archives: EMS Today


This year's trip had the same purpose as last year...network, meet people who I know from blogs, facebook, twitter. Willie had the same reasoning for going. We got out of town later than we wanted, but I am learning to let go of schedules and go with the flow....so that is what we did. We left when we could and we arrived when we did.

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Heading to Baltimore for EMS Today and the Blogger Meetup!

Willie Wines Jr. and I are heading to Baltimore for the Meetup at EMS Today. Our stay will be short and we aren't even sure if we will make it to the exhibit hall on Friday or have to head home early yet. However, if you are in Baltimore and want to catch up with us and network with so many other bloggers and EMS professionals plan to attend the meetup. These meetups that are at the various Fire and/or EMS conferences are a blast. They are typically hosted by JEMS, Fire Rescue Magazine, FireEMSBlogs.com, or Firefighter Nation and are well enjoyed by many. Don't worry, you don't have to be a member or blogger of those networks...just plan on coming and having fun!

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Blogger Meetup, Chronicles of EMS, and more at EMS Today

There will be a blogger meetup at the EMS Today Expo in Baltimore next Friday (March 5th). The meetup will include many big names in EMS and Fire blogs. The crew from Chronicles of EMS will be there as well. Fans, readers, friends, and many more will be there! The Happy Medic is boasting this as the largest Fire/EMS blogger meetup of all-time.

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