Instead of me adding my two cents and a call to action on account of what is in that post, I will simply as you to Read this post on Life Under the Lights Then send in a patch if you can.
Read More »FDIC Recap Part II – The People You Surround Yourself With
I got to meet with several companies both during FDIC and since. Several of which I hope to be doing product reviews for very soon! If you are looking for having a product review for your product, check out more information here. I spoke with Major Mack of The Bowring today on the phone. They are sending me their product to review shortly. There's was one of the busier boothes at FDIC. I think the product looks like a potential tool that years from now will be a staple in "What's in Your Pockets" discussions!
Read More »Gearing up for FDIC…The Fire Critic Offers Social Media Training
I will be teaching a class on Social Media for the Fire Service at FDIC this year. The class is titled "Social Media: The Fire Service's Next Big Innovation" Who should attend? Anyone interested in social media, blogging, and branding their department online. Administrators who want to learn about social media, get examples of social media policies, as well as firefighters who want to brand their companies and departments. There will be information for all levels!
Read More »Statter on The Fire Critic “You are Right, You are Wrong”. Make up your mind! Plus Firefighter Netcast and Audio from South Fulton
Dave mentions that I am right about everything...but then says I am wrong. Make up your mind Dave. You know I am right, everyone knows I am right. I am not putting the spin on it that everyone else is. Hell Dave, I keep reading this post of yours (here) and I am beginning to think you might have multiple personalities. You keep saying I am right, then saying I am wrong. You say you agree with me, then saying you disagree with me. Make up your mind Dave. You love pointing I am wrong by saying I am right! It is hard to follow.
Read More »In Retrospect…The Meetup
My time at FDIC was a blast. We managed to pack the week full of friends, fun, and work (Firefighter Netcast). The people I have met through this blog, twitter, facebook, etc. will stay with me for a long time. Our occasional chance to meet is always fun!
Read More »EMS Today in Retrospect…Thanks for the Memories and Meeting Everyone in Person!
The interesting thing about David and Greg is that they have never met. Much like Justin and Mark before they finally met for Chronicles of EMS and John and I before this weekend. It just goes to show how friendships are born, partnerships are created, and businesses are started via networking through social media. Great guys and great ideas...forging ahead!
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