Chicago Firefighter Edward Stringer is laid to rest today. Get the link for live streaming video here. Hopefully I will have the video embedded on as well.
Read More »IAFF's Harold Schaitberger Weighs in on Passage of the 9/11 Health Care Bill and Chicago LODD's
IAFF General President Harold Shaitberger weighs in on the Holidays, the passage of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, and the Recent LODD's in Chicago.
Read More »Who Are Fallen Firefighters Edward Stringer and Corey Ankum? Plus Building had Previous Violations
Ankum grew up around 92nd and Green streets and moved with his family to Lynwood when he was about 14. He played football and baseball but excelled at basketball, a sport he still loved playing. He also enjoyed cooking and drawing. Family said that, after graduating from Thornton Fractional South High School, he played basketball at area colleges and later graduated from Kendall College. He decided to take both the Chicago police and fire tests and was accepted first by the Police Department.
Read More »LODD Update: Chicago Firefighters Corey Ankum and Edward Stringer
Firefighter/EMT Corey Ankum: Truck 34. 34 years old, 16 months on the job and previously a police officer. Husband and father of two children. Firefighter Edward Stringer: Engine 63. 47 years old, 12 years on the job.
Read More »Coverage of the Chicago LODD's and 9/11 Health Bill
Today is very bitter... Chicago Firefighters are joined by firefighters everywhere as we mourn the death of Firefighters Corey Ankum and Edward Stringer. These deaths occur on the anniversary of two other very well known LODD fires. Today is also very sweet... Many firefighters are rejoicing with the passing of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act
Read More »LODD Continued Coverage: Chicago Firefighters Edward Stringer and Corey Ankum
Firefighters Cory Ankum and Edward Stringer Died in the Line of Duty December 22, 2010. It should be noted that today was a very deadly day 100 years ago in Chicago. On December 22, 1910, 21 Chicago Firefighters died in ...
Read More »Video and Audio: LODD: Two Chicago Firefighters Killed after Mayday and Collapse in Chicago Building Fire
“We got firemen unaccounted for,’’ according to Fire Media Affairs Director Larry Langford who was on the scene at 7:30 a.m. “Right now we’re working to get inside the building,’’ Langford said. As of 7:24 a.m. the alarm has been elevated to a 3-11 and an EMS Plan II, which automatically sends about ten ambulances to the scene, is in effect, Knight said. Knight said the building is 40 feet by 125 feet.
Read More »3-11 Alarm Fire in Chicago Office Building Fire
Gusty winds fanned an extra-alarm fire that took crews over three hours to control at a building in the South Loop early Tuesday. The fire broke out around 3:20 a.m. at 1326 S. Michigan Ave.
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