Here it is! The 2014 List of Top Ten Christmas Gifts for Firefighters from The Fire Critic! Enjoy...let me know if you would add something else.
Read More »The Top Ten Christmas Gifts For Firefighters List for 2012
Here are the Top Ten Christmas Gifts for 2012. This is a blog feature I have been doing for the past several years. The list has changed a little bit because of all the great products/companies that I want to share. Therefore, I have put some similar products into categories of gifts. This gives more ideas for everyone to look at.
Read More »Channellock 87 Rescue Tool – Product Review
I soon realized that the new 87 would work just fine. I used it all of the time for cutting battery cables. It is also a perfect tool for cutting any other wires/cables if I need. If I ever find myself all wrapped up inside a structure, I could use them to cut my way out. Plus there are many other uses for the tool.
Read More »What’s in Your Pockets? Here is What’s in Mine
Occasionally I will place other tools in my pockets to give them a try and see if they are something I forget on the engine or need frequently. Most of the time, I go back to the way it has been for years. I keep two sets of webbing, each secured in a loop with a caribeener or two for rescue, self-rescue, or a downed firefighter. I also carry the 25' prussick just in case I need to take a dive out of a window without the advantage of having a ladder (although I have no plans of needing this!) just never know!
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