This weeks Monday Morning Shoutout goes to Queen City Burns by Taj, a 24 y.o. firefighter in Queen City, Louisiana. Taj is trying to make a difference. He is part of the bloggers trying to make a cultural change in the fire service through writing, training, teaching, and learning. This crowd has actually got me working out half-regularly now and I thank them for the motivation and inspiration!
Read More »24/7 Student of the Fire Service Blog – Monday Morning Shoutout
This weeks Monday Morning Shoutout goes to a new blog I found titled "24/7 Student of the Fire Service". The blog states "Not a T-Shirt Guy's Blog (Protected by the First Amendment)" I like what I read...I think this blog will gain some traction. This is a newer blog on the scene. Check it out.
Read More »Monday Morning Shoutout – Just A Vollie
This weeks Monday Morning Shoutout goes to Just A Vollie. Just A Vollie is a fairly new blog on the scene and is actually a newer format to something that started out as an email blast. Yeah...I know that it isn't Monday morning anymore, but when you keep my hours you learn to fit in what you can whenever time allows.
Read More »The Fire Service Warrior – Monday Morning Shoutout
The Fire Service Warrior offers this unique "mission statement" that has been dubbed the Ethos of a Fire Service Warrior. Ethos? Yeah, I had to look it up although I kinda figured what he meant by it. Ethos: English word based on a Greek word and denotes the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community, a nation or an ideology.
Read More »Getting your Blog To Work For You, Making the Most of it, Creating a Network, and Gaining Readers
These tips can be useful for any bloggers, although some of the tips might be catered to the crowd on the network. I have been blogging in some form or another for the past 6 years. I have not learned it all, and I realize that best practices can be altered, discovered, or modified daily. I will follow up with many more "blog tips" in the future. This is a beginner "blog tip" to get new bloggers rolling and some extra tips for others who are looking for that extra boost.
Read More »I am looking for Bloggers who feed their RSS through Twitter
This may seem like a different language to some of you. The ones I am looking for will understand the question. I am looking for bloggers who have a twitter account and feed their RSS feed through their Twitter Account. ...
Read More »Monday Morning Shoutout – First Responder Liability
This weeks Monday Morning Shoutout goes to First Responder Liability. I am a newer reader to this blog, but by all appearances it seems as though it is a great blog. The blog states “Commentary on Legal Issues Facing Emergency ...
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