Rioting erupted on the streets of Baltimore on the day of Freddie Gray’s funeral. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has declared a state of emergency. Several fires have occurred throughout the City and Firefighters have been under attack with things thrown ...
Read More »Firehouse Expo Preview…SOTF’s Ryan Parrott is Keynote Speaker
Captain Wines and I will be in Baltimore for Firehouse Expo in just a couple of weeks. That is the good news. The GREAT news is that I will be done with my competition and able to drink BEER! Oh, and eat good food too! Scroll down for info on the FOOLS Bash and our party Friday night as well.
Read More »Full Coverage: Firehouse Expo 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb
As you know, Willie Wines Jr., Kevin Totten, and I climbed 110 stories as a part of the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at Firehouse Expo. We climbed with 320 others, some of whom we knew already and others who we met for the first time. The event was a huge success. All I can really say is that you have to participate in one to really understand.
Read More »110 Floors for 343…Never Forget. Honor, Respect, Tradition
The difference between us and them was that we did it in honor of them. We did it without an airpack, without fear, without trepidation. We did it to help others never forget.
Read More »Heading to Baltimore for EMS Today and the Blogger Meetup!
Willie Wines Jr. and I are heading to Baltimore for the Meetup at EMS Today. Our stay will be short and we aren't even sure if we will make it to the exhibit hall on Friday or have to head home early yet. However, if you are in Baltimore and want to catch up with us and network with so many other bloggers and EMS professionals plan to attend the meetup. These meetups that are at the various Fire and/or EMS conferences are a blast. They are typically hosted by JEMS, Fire Rescue Magazine,, or Firefighter Nation and are well enjoyed by many. Don't worry, you don't have to be a member or blogger of those networks...just plan on coming and having fun!
Read More »Back to Back 5 Alarm Fires…Baltimore Gets Their Moneys Worth From Baltimore Firefighters
Not one, but two 5 alarm fires have occurred in Baltimore in two days. Yesterday, Dave Statter was all over the news of the 5 Alarm Fire on The Block (red-light district). Check out the numerous videos Dave posted yesterday here. This morning, Baltimore's firefighters were on the scene of another 5 alarm fire in the Mount Vernon area. Many of the firefighters on scene had battled the other 5 alarm fire earlier in their shift. Read more about it here.
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