Happy New Year!
This year will mark my 18th year as a career firefighter. The last 7 years have been at the same station and up until this past cycle was with the same Captain. Somewhere in that 7 years, things got comfortable. While I have enjoyed all of my assignments and crews I have worked with, I am looking forward to this change. It also doesn’t hurt that I moved up to the top of the vacation sign-ups at my firehouse.
As many of you might have realized I took much of 2016 off from this web site and the social media accounts related to it. I guess you could say I got fed up with all of the negativity in the fire service as shared on social media and just took a step back. I was afforded more time to do what ever the heck I wanted to do which included more time focused on my family. It has been rewarding not having to constantly focus attention on FireCritic.com.
I think now, I am able to once again sit down and put effort back into this website and the community of fire service it reaches online. I even thought about doing a complete restart with a brand new website and new name to go with it. I opted to stay right where I’m at though.
In the coming days, I hope to offer a refreshed look to the site (minor changes) and begin sharing news/information/current events related to the fire service on a regular basis. This will include brand new articles from myself.
You might call this a New Years resolution in getting back to the Fire Critic and writing regularly.
On top of that, I plan on re-examining many other facets of my fire service career and making sure I take on the last years of my career as fervently as I did the first years.
What are your New Years resolutions? Whatever they are, I hope you succeed in your determination to make 2017 a great one!