It has been a while since I have done a collaborative post on items in the news. What better day to start than today!
Kentland FD to Become K-FEMS
The Kentland Fire Department is all set to catch up with the progress of changing times. They will be changing their name to K-FEMS as soon as the new quint is in service. The new quint will be a 55′ single rear axle ladder truck. Word is that they took the idea from DCFEMS and decided it was time for change. The new fleet will include one part-time ambulance and one full-time ambulance. I admit, K-FEMS has a ring to it…
Firefighter Introduces New Firefighting Tool
A suburban DC firefighter has unveiled a brand new tool for firefighters to use while fighting fire. The new tool prototype is still being made, but we are promised it will make heads turn. The tool, which will look like a halligan, flathead axe, water can, can light, computer, sledgehammer, radio, and step ladder melded together will also have a rubber nipple attached. The unit will look just like that mess of equipment welded and taped together. We are promised that there will be an oxygen tank shutoff wrench attached in the mix somehow. There will be a kickstarter campaign for the new tool. The working title for the tool is the HFWCCSRS, pronounced Tick-Tick-Tick. They will retail for around $1,999.
Dave Statter to teach Facebook Firefighting 101 at FDIC 2015
Dave Statter of will be unveiling his brand new class Facebook Firefighting 101 at FDIC 2015. His class will be a two part class consisting of classroom and a HOT (hands on training) class. The class will be held at 10am on Thursday, April 23rd in room 601. The HOT class will be in the same classroom and will consist of keyboarding and actual commenting on real firefighting web sites and blogs with the strategy and tactics the participants learn in the classroom portion. Attendees will learn how to fight fire using only a computer and with only seeing a photo or short video of a fire. Sign up soon as the class is filling quickly with first time attendees of FDIC. Statter will be taking the class on the road in the 4th quarter of 2015. Look for more information at to Host Largest Fire Conference in Iceland
We have all heard Captain Wines talk about how he is huge in Iceland. He is putting his popularity to work. The new conference will be titled IFDIC (Instructors Fire Department Iceland Conference). Wines says the conference is all about Knowledge, but putting a K at the end of the abbreviation is just bad marketing. Look for more information on the conference once Willie is able to correctly pronounce Reykjavik.
Kayne West to Make Appearance at the Ferrara Booth at FDIC
Ferrara always likes to make a splash at FDIC. They have had other “celebrities” at their booth in the past. This year is no exception. Ferrara will be introducing Kayne at their booth this year. Kayne, the self proclaimed king of everything will likely be there for a minute before realizing that only a couple of firefighters know…or care who he is.
Firehouse Magazine to Change Name
Firehouse Magazine, recently sold by Cygnus, will be changing their name to Fire & EMS Station Magazine. The recent change was announced as a positive change to reflect the readership. The new owners, whoever they are, will be changing format to the “kinder/gentler” name as a way of caring for the “other” profession that not to many people know about…EMS. Their first cover will include a band-aid as promised. Visit the brand new site here.
This is the news…all apologies if any feelings were hurt in the making of the news!