Last week I talked with a firefighter from rural Oregon about a new tool they developed for their department. I haven’t tried it yet, but it sounds like it could help a lot of departments with the age-old problem of 3 ring binders in their rigs.
EnRoutePro is a low cost system that can be used to introduce technology into rigs. It can also be set up as a back-up way to access critical information for departments that already have a way to send content through their MDCs.
EnRoutePro Web Site – Facebook
Departments upload their contact lists, landing zones, protocols, pre-plans and maps – really anything that’s useful when en route to a call- onto the EnRoutePro server. Any number of tablets or laptops can synchronize to the server, and no mobile internet connection is required since the files are stored locally (really handy in rural areas or as a back-up in case internet access is interrupted).
Files are organized into folders and sub-folders, and can be in almost any format (JPEGs, PDFs, HTML). You can easily create folders and rearrange the files on the server, and when your iPad or your ToughBook has a WiFi connection, you synchronize to the server, and just the files that changed are downloaded.
EnRoutePro is a low cost system that can be used to introduce technology into rigs. It can also be set up as a back-up way to access critical information for departments that already have a way to send content through their MDCs.
One of the best features is Mutual Aid. Your department’s content can be set to be accessed by your neighbors, and they can access yours as well – and each department maintains their own files and folders (so they can’t mess up your set-up).
The cost is really low, and is based on how much material is stored on the server, but most departments pay $499 per year (plus a one-time fee based on how much of the set-up you do yourself). There’s no per-rig charge, so you can add tablets and laptops as your budget allows. The app is available free from the App Store and off their website.
Recently, the Boston Fire Department deployed EnRoutePro for 21 police and fire agencies in the Metropolitan Boston area to facilitate inter-agency information sharing. Each agency maintains its own content, and everyone always has access to the latest information in their rigs and at their desks.
For more information, contact EnRoutePro at on their web site or see their Facebook page.
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