Last cycle, we had a car fire on the interstate. By the time we arrived, it was going pretty good. Most of the fire was contained to the passenger area, with a little bit of extension to the engine compartment. I was riding the seat. Among other tasks, I backed up my firefighter (we ride 3 typically). Once he had a handle on the fire, I asked my driver for the K saw. The interior of the car was burned up and getting to the hood latch wasn’t going to happen.
I needed to get the hood open. My driver brought the saw over, started it for me, and I headed for the hood.
I made a V-cut and opened the hood.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get the fire on helmet camera because the memory card was full.
Today, I read an article from (follow on FB too) about doing a horizontal cut instead of a v-cut. It makes sense. I will try it the next time I get a chance.
Read the Article Here
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