Updated with video from the fire in Virginia Beach yesterday where two people died and two firefighters were injured.
Today, Firefighters were injured in a roof collapse at a house fire in Texas. This evening, Firefighters were injured in a house fire in Virginia where two people died.
House Fire in Virginia Beach – Two people dead others rescued, several injured including firefighters
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) – The Virginia Beach Fire Department says two people have died and several others have been injured, including firefighters, during a house fire Friday evening.
Firefighters responded to the fire at 1340 Thamesford Drive around 6:10 p.m. and reported heavy fire upon arrival, according to Battalion Chief Patrick Seigh.
Seigh says fire crews have found a second deceased victim in the second floor of the home after rescuing two civilians and finding another deceased.
Lindale, TX – 4 Firefighters were caught in a roof collapse at a house fire. One Firefighter ended up with critical burns
STATter911.com has more on the story here
Kenneth Dean, Tyler Morning-Telegraph:
Smith County Assistant Fire Marshal Connie McCoy-Wasson told the Tyler Morning Telegraph that at least two firemen are injured, but one has been flown to Parkland Hospital in Dallas with severe injuries.
Lindale firefighter Joe Yeakley is hospitalized in Dallas with burns over more than 50 percent of his body. Dixie firefighter Caleb Snider was treated and released from Mother Frances Hospital in Tyler.
Billy Goldfeder, The Secret List:
FF is in critical condition and three others were injured while operating in a house fire this morning. Around 1245 companies turned out to a 3000 sq foot single family dwelling on Childress Drive in the Lindale area.
About 40 minutes into it, a Lindale Firefighter became trapped as the garage area collapsed around him. The firefighter was flown to Parkland Hospital in Dallas and at last check was in critical condition. Three other firefighters, one from Lindale and two from Dixie, were able to escape the collapse.
The injured FF’s are Lindale’s Joe Yeakley and Dixie’s Caleb Snider. Yeakley remains in critical condition at Parkland Medical in Dallas after receiving burns to his face and hands after a partial roof collapse. Yeakley is a 14-year veteran with he Lindale Fire Department and nearly 30 years in fire service. Snider also received minor burns on his arms during the incident. He was treated for his injuries at a local hospital and has been released. Snider has just over a year of experience. Companies from Lindale, Dixie, Red Springs, and Noonday responded.