Video by: LakeportFireTraining. Video info: LFD Lakeshore IC 11/27/13. Helmet Cam Footage of Lakeport Firefighters doing work. LFD was dispatched to a reported residential structure fire @ approximately 2234 hours on Wednesday 11/27/13. Reporting party states the ceiling and chimney was on fire and was extending throughout the living room. Initial arriving firefighter reports a working attic fire in the alpha/bravo quadrant. Within minutes LFD first due E-5012 arrives and takes fire attack in the offensive mode. While stretching 1 3/4" initial attack line, conditions rapidly change with heavy fire showing on the interior throughout the entire occupancy. Heavy fire is seen all the way to the delta side attached garage. The decision is made to begin fire attack efforts by making entry from the garage through the man door. Fire Attack companies are met with heavy fuel loading increasing difficulties in locating the seat of the fire. LFD E-5011 is second due and lays in a feeder to E-5012 and assumes Roof Division for vertical ventilation. Companies make an aggressive offensive interior attack and obtain knockdown within minutes. Auto-aid is received from neighboring district KFD E-5511. Companies operated on scene for a total of 3 hours overhauling and salvaging.