FC note: originally it was reported that Tyler was six years old, he is actually four years old.
Donate now to the Tyler Shannon Retinoblastoma Fund
Trevor and Jenn Shannon's four year old son Tyler has just been diagnosed with Retinoblastoma (cancer in the eye). Trevor is a firefighter for the Roanoke Fire-EMS Department in Roanoke, VA (yeah it is close to home for me). The family will have financial hardships in being away from work, medical expenses, traveling to UVA for treatments, lodging, and other incidentals. A family friend has created a fundraising page via GiveForward.com. Donate now to the Tyler Shannon Retinoblastoma Fund
I am asking that everyone who can donate $5 to the fund do so now. If you don't want to post your name as the donor, please consider putting "The Brotherhood" as who donated. I hope this could have a viral affect on other firefighters to stand up and help out Tyler.
Donate now to the Tyler Shannon Retinoblastoma Fund
I have talked about featuring a "Cause" for a while now. I want to utilize the popularity of FireCritic.com to focus on one "Cause" and make a huge difference several times each year. Please accept this as the first call for help! In order to make this work, I need you to share this article on social media so more firefighters see it and take action.
From the website:
Trevor and Jenn Shannon's son Tyler has recently been diagnosed with retinoblastoma. Please help us show our support for the Shannon family