It has been a while since I have had the chance to publish a "Best of the Rest" column. To say "Things have been busy" is a drastic understatement. To be honest with you, I got behind after attending FDIC about 2 years ago and have never felt like I have gotten caught up since then.
The good thing is that I work for myself…the bad thing is that I cannot keep up with the growth of the blog and FB page as I would like. The main reason why I can't keep up is due to other priorities (i.e. family, work). The good news is that I am doing the best I can.
I actually spoke to a friend the other day and am tossing around the idea of looking for a marketing/advertising firm to help out. That way, I only have to worry about the content. That would be ideal. The only thing that would change for the readers is the look of If I did it, I would move off the platform I am on now and be able to make some necessary changes to the site. Unfortunately, the network I am on now has been unable to offer any template changes in the 4 years I have been on it.
Don't worry, I'm not doing anything right now. I am looking into other possibilities though.
If you have submitted a "Mutual Aid Question From a Brother" via message on The Fire Critic Facebook Page, I will get to it. I am currently caught up to Nov. 2nd. I will be publishing many more scheduled tomorrow for the following week. I enjoy most of the questions and the ability to crowd-source for advice, but I am going to have to start culling the questions due to grammar and topic.
12 Days of Christmas Giveaway
If your company would like to offer a prize for the 12 Days of Christmas, please let me know. We already have quite a few things to give away…This year will be much bigger than the last!
Now on to Best of the Rest… (Fire Cam) is currently giving away 30 helmet cameras in 30 days. Plus if they reach 50k on Facebook they will give away more! Check it out here – Firefighters Rescue Child from House Fire – HAVELOCK – Fire crackled and sizzled nearby as police officers lifted Havelock firefighter Charlie Winter head first through a side window of a burning home Tuesday in search of a missing child. “They said they could hear the baby in that window, so I went in that window,” Winter said. Continue reading
Washington, IL Tornado recovery – 7-8 firefighters lost everything in Washington, IL during recent storms. The Heroes Memorial has set up a t-shirt selling campaign to get money to those families. Check it out here – Captain Willie Wines continues to write on his blog. It is great to see the recent stories Captain. Keep up the great work! Check out here
First Due Tackle – Paul Hasenmeier is kicking out posts one right after another. He shares some great information and offers insight into many topics related to firefighting. Check out his blog here
Firefighter Wife – Does your significant other really understand what you do? Chances are she has similar questions, concerns, and feelings that other Firefighter Wives have. The great news is that there is a fast growing community for her…Do her a favor and share with her. She will appreciate it, and it might actually help you out in the long run!
Junior Firefighter Killed (shared message below)
We need thoughts and prayers, plus any form of support we can find for these Junior Firefighters!!!
Yesterday afternoon there was a rollover MVA south of Newcastle WY that involved two Newcastle Vol. Fire Dept. Explorers. They were both ejected from the vehicle and were later air lifted. Their names are Wyatt Pillen (Back row middle) and his cousin Vincent Oedekoven (first on back row). Wyatt was transported to Denver Childrens Hospital where he later passed away. Vincent was transported to Scottsbluff Nebraska where he is still.
I am asking you to please post something on your wall to help support the family, fellow Explorers and firefighters of the Newcastle Vol. Fire Dept. There has been an account set up by NVFD and Explorer post 66 at First State Bank in Newcastle to help with medical cost for both familys and here is a link set up for Wyatt Thanks so much!
Trained dog has the special ability to detect early stages of cancer – “What we have learned in the past two years is that all of these diseases that take place in your body start with inflammation first. Those cells have an odor. Those odors… the dogs can detect,” said Cindy Ell, founder of Fire Fighter Cancer Foundation. Continue reading and then check out the Fire Fighter Cancer Foundation online.
Below is a message about Prostate Cancer (unrelated to the link above)