If you have one of the Fire Critic/Iron Firemen Challenge Coins or Chips, you will know that on the outer edge it says “Honor, Respect, Pride, Tradition”.
Many of you also know that currently, Captain Wines and I are in Emmitsburg, MD for the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Memorial Weekend.
Out of all of our travels, this trip means the most to us. We are honored to be able to participate in the events of the weekend.
Captain Wines serves as the right-hand-man to Dave Statter. Statter is in charge of Production and Media. I also operate under Dave as the Social Media Team Leader. Myself and my team will be updating the NFFF Facebook and Twitter accounts throughout the weekend.
I appreciate any and all help you all can give in sharing, commenting, and liking the updates on the NFFF Facebook Page. I also appreciate any and all help you can give in retweeting the NFFF Twitter account.
Willie and I are here for one purpose, to honor our Fallen Brothers and Sisters and Respecting their Families.
We have a full schedule of events this weekend. If you are in town, we will be around. Our command post (separate from the main command post) is the Hanover County, VA FD Command Post.
You may have seen the news that the National Emergency Training Center (where the National Fire Academy is located) is closed due to the Government shutdown. Everything has changed, some of it follows the plans as if there were to be inclement weather.
All of the information you need can be found at Firehero.org.
If you have any questions, please let me know. If you are in town, I hope to raise a pint with you at the Ott house Friday or Saturday night.
God Bless
– Rhett Fleitz
The Fire Critic