Here is a feel good story for you…
The Ada Township Fire Department in Michigan is donating an engine to the Abbott, Texas FD. Unless you live under a rock, you know that the West, TX area suffered a tremendous loss of 11 firefighters and many pieces of equipment.
Ada’s 20 year old engine which is being replaced will soon be part of Abbott’s contingent.
In order to cover the cost of getting the apparatus from Michigan to Texas, the Ada Firefighter Association is selling t-shirts for $15 a piece.
To order a shirt:
We currently do not have a website set up for shirt orders but we do have a few ways you can order:
You can send any email orders to Lt. Dave Murray at:
You can also call the Ada Twp Fire Department: (616) 676-2376
Our station is only manned Monday thru Friday 8am to 5pm eastern.
Shirts are $15 each. Shipping is $5 for the first 2 shirts then $1 shipping for each additional shirt.
ADA TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WOOD) – A Texas Fire Department devastated by an explosion that wiped out their department, and a good portion of their town, is getting some help from West Michigan.
When the alarm went out on April 17 for a fire at a West Texas fertilizer depot, farmers, factory workers, and store clerks answered the call.
They were all average Joes and Marys who help their community by volunteering as firefighters. They are the same people who would answer the calls for help in Ada and other West Michigan communities.
So it’s no surprise when one of those departments lost their fire engine in the tragedy, Ada fire fighters were among the department across the nation to step in and offer help.
Their old Engine 4 is now heading south. (Continue Reading)