Funeral Arrangements for West Webster Firefighters Chiapperini & Kaczówka

All of the information below is available at Please rely on their site over for the most up-to-date information. Feel free to let me know if you have questions, but there are emails below for contacts in West Webster.

Click here for information about the deaths of Firefighters Michael Chiapperini and Tomasz Kaczówka.

Calling Hours:

Michael Chiapperini and Tomasz Kaczówka

Calling hours for both firefighters will be held at the Schroeder High School, 875 Ridge Road, Webster, New York. The calling hours Friday night, December 28th, willONLY be for members of the West Webster Fire Department, Webster Fire Department and Webster Police Officers. All others should plan on paying your respects at the calling hours Saturday December 29th which will be held from 12-3 PM & 6-9 PM at Schroeder High School.

Funeral services for Past Chief Chiapperini will be held Sunday 12 noon, December 30th at Schroeder High School, 875 Ridge Road, Webster. All participants are asked to park in the South (rear) parking lots of the school.

Funeral Services for Firefighter Tomasz Kaczowka will be held Monday, January 1stat 10:00 AM at the St. Stanislaus Church (Hudson Avenue and Norton Street). Parking will be very limited in the area of the church so we suggest you car pool as much as possible.


Fire apparatus for the procession to the respective cemeteries is limited to Webster PD, Webster and West Webster Fire personnel and apparatus.


Information about a reception after the funeral services will be forth coming.

This is a very dynamic time. As preparations are being made changes are to be expected. Please check back for additional information as any changes will be posted as we receive them.

Any questions pertaining to these week-end events can be emailed directed to


Limited lodging is being made available at local fire stations for out of town fire departments who wish to attend the calling hours and/or the funeral services for Past Chief Mike Chiapperini and Firefighter Tomasz Kaczowka. Point of contact for firehouse lodging is Webster Chief Chris Smith who can be reached at 585-645-9886 or

Additional local hotel accommodations are available on the Sleep page at at the site.