You heard it right! Santa Claus was seen changing air bottles out at this house fire in Dickson City, PA on December 23rd. He hangs out a while watching over the firefighters as they hit hot spots on the fire.
Watch as at just :14 seconds in Santa Claus helps with the air bottle of another firefighter.
The fire occurred at 724 Carmalt Street right next door to two vacant lots where an explosion and fire occurred two years ago killing 2 people.
The blaze, which ripped through their 724 Carmalt St. residence, destroyed all the Christmas presents Ms. Branch bought for her 13-year-old daughter and more than likely killed their cat, Flicker, and parakeet, Birdie.
They escaped with only the clothes on their backs and Claudia’s bookbag.
“I have nothing for her now,” said Ms. Branch, who saw the fire flare in a computer room on the second floor. “It just happened so fast.”