Video: 2012 Firefighters Calendar Shoot

I am gearing up for the Annual Firefighter Calendar Top Ten list here on You all can help me out if you know of a firefighter calendar or have a favorite.

  • Let me know what your favorites are.
  • Share the name/link of the calendar

Should I do a female firefighter calendar top ten list as well as a male firefighter calendar top ten list?

The first year I did the list, it was only female firefighter calendars. I wasn’t being fair to the women who love seeing guys in uniform. I also wasn’t being fair to all the calendars who only have male firefighters in them. Most calendars are supporting great causes.

So I ask you, do I do one top ten list that has both or do a top ten list for each? If I were to do a Male Firefighter Calendar Top Ten list, I would probably be looking for a female to pick the top ten and help write the article. Let me know if you are interested!

In the meantime, here is a video of a photo shoot for an Australian 2012 firefighter calendar. Enjoy!

2012 Firefighters Calendar Shoot from Patrick Coe on Vimeo.