Caught on video: Turkish emergency medical staff accidentally drop a patient head first off of their stretcher as they made there way from an air ambulance helicopter.
I am not familiar with the type of stretcher they are using, my department uses a different style. Let me know if you see something that seems odd in the way they are moving the stretcher that might have caused this to happen. It is hard to tell if the patient is off center of the stretcher or what might have occured to make this happen.
I appears as though the patient is already immobilized.
You might assume that if the patient was flown in, their injury/illness might already be pretty bad. This fall probably did not help things.
I wonder what kind of finger pointing went on after this occured if there were hospital staff and EMS staff at the side of the stretcher when this happened.
Have you been in a situation like this where a patient comes off of a stretcher or the stretcher falls over?