I consider FDIC 2010 the beginning for me. The realization of the bigger picture. I had worked too long and too hard locally only to find out that wasn’t the focus I should have been spending my time on. In short, I got a rude awakening…a very rude one. However, I am gracious for it. I am actually a better person because of it in too many ways not to realize that it was for the greater good.
And so here I am now…heading to FDIC 2011 a year after the beginning. Wow…this past year has been a blast! Be sure to connect with me at FDIC 2011 if you plan on attending!
Below are just some of the events going on this year at FDIC. I have them listed on the specific days and at the end are events which are open during exhibit hall hours. For a list of the official FDIC events look here.
During exhibit hall hours be sure to check out Firefighter Netcast in the Fire Rescue Magazine booth interviewing some of the best that the Fire Service has to offer! Check out Firefighter Netcast at booth 4244. John Mitchell (FireDaily.com) and Willie Wines Jr. (IronFiremen.com) will be there getting it done!
Sure, there will be a lot going on at FDIC…here are some of the things I don’t think you will want to miss!
Tuesday, March 22
- ISFSI Membership Social: Tuesday, March 22nd at Howl at the Moon. ISFSI is at booth #7043! Stop by and see what the ISFSI is doing and has to offer to their members! Feel free to join as well!
Wednesday, March 23
- Long-Stretch Solutions Wednesday, March 23, 2011 3:30 PM-5:15 PM. Master Firefighter Robert C. Owens Sr., Henrico County (VA) Division of Fire. Several solutions to enable engine companies to efficiently stretch beyond their preconnected hoselines to reach the seat of the fire, regardless of the number of personnel available, are presented. Proper apparatus positioning, occupancy application, training, and communication are also discussed. INTERMEDIATE. Room 134-135 (more information here)
- The Ready Position – Wednesday, March 23, 2011 1:30 – 3:15pm. Engineer Christopher Brennan, Harvey (IL) Fire Department
The Ready Position is the point at which the capacity and capabilities of the Fire Service Warrior are in an ideal state of potential energy. Whether sitting in the firehouse at the kitchen table or in the recliner at home with the pager sitting next to you on the table, ideally, you will be ready to spring into action when an alarm sounds. Learn how to master the physical and mental skills of the Fire Service Warrior: Be 100 percent present when you enter into battle; have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to thrive on the fireground; and be prepared for the unfortunate should the worst-case scenario occur at an incident. ALL LEVELS
Room 234-235 - FOOLS Brotherhood Bash: Announcing the 2011 Indy Metro FOOLS BROTHERHOOD BASH @FDIC In Association with RAE Systems & Hooters Restaurants. Wednesday, March 23rd Corner of Jackson St. & Meridian St. Gates open at 1700 hours
Thursday, March 24
- “Social Media: The Fire Service’s Next Big Innovation” – Presented by yours truly (Rhett Fleitz) in classroom 134-135 on Thursday March 24 from 1:30-3:15. Be sure to be there if you want a crash course on Social Media! More information on that class here.
- Dave Statter will also be teaching at FDIC at the same time I am. His class is titled “The PIO Reporter: Telling Your Story in a World Where “Spin” Doesn’t Work”. Dave’s class is also from 1:30-3:15pm. Being the friend I am, I will give Dave the utmost respect in posting the full information on his class. Unfortunately, the information is in Polish…I guess you patriots will have to come to my class! Really….Who promotes their class in another language?
PIO Reporter: Opowiem swoją historię w świecie, w którym “Spin” nie działa Dave Statter, Statter911 Communications, LLC Co zrobić przed obraz pojawia się problem może być bardziej istotne niż to, co zrobić później. akcji budowanie reputacji w społeczności może być kluczem do przetrwania, gdy coś pójdzie źle. W tym “świecie post-media”, gdzie mogą uzyskać dostęp do publicznej wiadomości bezpośrednio w Internecie, straży pożarnej może łatwo stracić kontrolę wiadomości. Dowiedz się, jak komunikować się tak, że społeczeństwo nie wie, co wiesz, kiedy wiesz, że zamiast czekać, aż wszystkie szczegóły są w Dowiedz się, jak przejąć kontrolę, zgasić złe wieści, budowanie zaufania do społeczności i naprawy działu reputacji . Cena 125-126 POŚREDNIE
- Thursday, March 24, 2011 3:30 PM-5:15 PM – Room 105-106 APPROPRIATE FOR ALL LEVELS Understanding and Motivating Today’s Firefighters Deputy Fire Coordinator Tiger Schmittendorf, Erie County (NY) Department of Emergency Services. “From the X-Box to the Box Alarm” addresses the challenges of today’s fire service leaders in attracting and retaining the appropriate quantity and quality of firefighters they need to support the delivery of emergency services in their communities. So, how do we motivate today’s recruits away from the X-Box long enough to answer the box alarm? This facilitated conversation builds consensus that the majority of the challenges we face are in the firehouse, not on the fire scene. Together we’ll learn to combat these challenges with solutions that are right in front of us.
- A Firefighter’s Own Worst Enemy. Taught by Jason Hoevelmann from 3:30-5:15pm. A look at how your actions, behaviors, and attitudes can contribute to your problems and those within your organization if you don’t recognize them and control them, and how supervisors’ human dynamics and interactions in the firehouse can transfer to the fireground. Students will be guided in how to ensure that they and their departments can be a fluid, clear, dynamic moving stream as opposed to a stagnant pond sitting in a farm field. INTERMEDIATE Room 123-124 (more information)
- Stop, Drop, Rock and Roll is being put on by the NFFF from 7-11pm at the Indiana Roof Ballroom. Get Tickets at Booth# 342, Booth #9900 in Lucas Oil Stadium, and at the door on the night of the event. Featuring: Singer-Songwriter Candy Coburn. (more information here)
Friday, March 25
- ISFSI Annual Meeting: Friday, March 25th at 1pm, Room 140 is at booth #7043! Stop by and see what the ISFSI is doing and has to offer to their members! Feel free to join as well!
- Battle of the Bands is at Lucas Oil Stadium from 4-6pm
- The Firefighter Nation & FireEMSBlogs.com Meetup will be on Friday, March 25th at O’Reilly’s Irish Bar & Restaurant. Tell them you are attending on facebook here. Meet your favorite Fire & EMS bloggers from the FireEMSBlogs.com community and beyond, contributors from FireRescue Magazine, members of FirefighterNation.com, our Facebook Fans and more! To get an event invitation, you just need to stop by one of THESE booths on Friday at FDIC: FireRescue Magazine, FirefighterNation.com and FireEMSBlogs.com: Booth #4244; Black Helmet Apparel: Booth #1903; International Safety Instruments (ISI): Booth #715. Find out more here: http://www.firefighternation.com/events/the-meetup-in-indy-2011
I am sure we will be able to find something going on Saturday!
All Week Long
- Bullex Search & Rescue Challenge…Rescue the SmartDummy – win an ipad at FDIC. Take the challenge in front of Lucas Oil Stadium. More info
- Fire-Dex Challenge…Stop by the Fire-Dex booth 311 and take the Fire-Dex Challenge for your chance to win big! They are giving away thousands in cash, turnout gear, and leather boots. Be sure to check them out on facebook as well!