When I got hired at my current department I was sent to station #9 after recruit school. The first engine I rode was a 1990 KME …nothing special, just your typical engine.
Actually, it is kinda special in that it was one of the last engines in Roanoke without an enclosed cab. That was fun…when the weather was warm and dry!
I caught my first fire in Roanoke on that engine…and almost made a brutal rookie mistake at that fire if it weren’t for the close eye of another firefighter. It wasn’t life or death, but I would still be living it down if the mistake had been made.
This was also the engine I cut my teeth on pumping. Previously, when I volunteered I never took the plunge on driving/pumping because I wanted to learn the rest of firefighting. Sure, I took pumping and EVOC classes and learned about pumping, but never took that next step.
I was stationed at #9 for around 2 years. We had a lot of fun and I got to see some fire among other things.
Since then, I have worked at several other stations…and Engine #9 no longer exists. Station 9 closed down and Engine 9 was disbanded. Medic 9 became Medic 5 at the new Station 5… Gotta love statistics.
Anyways…my point is that Roanoke City is selling the first engine I rode. The engine is available on PublicSurplus.com. Currently the bid is only $2025 with 2 days left on the auction.
Now if I can only hide it in my garage for a little while without my wife seeing it!
Oh, and in case you were wondering what the first fire engine I ever rode on is…a 1984 Mack CF!
They should learn….the best and most economical way to sell used apparatus is on USAFireTrucks.com!