There have been 23 Line of Duty Deaths This Year

This year, I made a pact that I would honor ALL of the Line of Duty Deaths. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I didn’t know it would be this hard. I fell behind about a week ago and have not been able to catch up. Then today, another LODD in Los Angeles.

Failure is not an option…and I realize that there are plenty of other notifications that assist firefighters in following along with LODD’s. My point was not to compete, but merely to supplement their information with whatever I could find at the time.

I intend to continue on with my goal. To date, there have been 23 LODD’s this year according to my count. The 23rd being Glenn Allen in Los Angeles.

The Fallen Brothers in bold below are the ones I have fallen behind on. The links go directly to their information on the USFA LODD Database.

Rest in Peace Brothers…

Firefighter’s Name City, State Date of Death
Lam, Donald R. Frankfort, Kentucky 02/17/2011
Regan, Thomas V. Garden City Park, New York 02/17/2011
Gressett, Sr., Larry Toomsuba, Mississippi 02/17/2011
Wilkes, Joshua Guntown, Mississippi 02/13/2011
Kozorosky, Derek Kadena, District of Columbia 02/11/2011
Barbour, Richard “Ricky” Leo Smithfield, North Carolina 02/04/2011
Dare, Daniel C. Avon, Illinois 02/02/2011
Auch, Steven F. Indianapolis, Indiana 02/01/2011
Walters, Sr., James Parkton, North Carolina 01/29/2011
Jones, Antonio E. Augusta, Georgia 01/29/2011
Eason, David West Memphis, Arkansas 01/26/2011
Clark, Leslie “Les” Dixon, Missouri 01/20/2011
Falkenhan, Mark G. Towson, Maryland 01/19/2011
Quick, William Henry Brooklyn, New York 01/18/2011
Frey, Harold Sandown, New Hampshire 01/16/2011
Hannon, Patrick Chicago, Illinois 01/15/2011
Niles, Jim Duane Downs, Kansas 01/13/2011
Eleam, Jarrett Blasdell, New York 01/12/2011
Hopman, William (Bill) Floyd Quincy, California 01/11/2011
Chelsen, Roy Brooklyn, New York 01/09/2011
Paul, Richard Kansas City, Missouri 01/07/2011
Remington, Sr., David Shapleigh, Maine 01/03/2011