Firefighting on TV…Who will be next?

Rescue Me was a hit. Many firefighters enjoyed it. I thought it showed how dysfunctional firefighters can be…not all of us, but some of us. It started out being pretty heavy on the firefighting and light on the drama…it ended up being very heavy on the drama and light on the firefighting.

Trauma was just way over the top…and too many ambo drivers!

Emergency was excellent and still syndicated today…

The question now is what will be the next network show or movie about firefighting…

Here are some of the options…feel free to let me know if I overlooked one!

Updated: Thanks to Ron in the comments, he brought up First In and the Academy…I should have remembered both of these because I have posted on them as well. While they have already been on tv, they still belong on here somewhere!

Check out more information on First In here and The Academy Here!

I also added Burn below!


Hosed is a brand new pilot show being shown on Youtube. It is a comedy about volunteer firefighters. As of this posting, there have been 3 episodes uploaded to youtube. The short videos available on youtube are a part of a grand scheme to get it on a network. Like I said before, I think it is hilarious.

Watch episode 1 and 2 here

Hosed has a facebook page here and their youtube channel is located at Episode 3 is below

Volunteers The Series

Volunteers The Series offers a pilot on youtube as well. This show is about actual volunteer firefighting.

The mission of Volunteers The Series (VTS): It is our goal to increase public awareness and support by telling the stories of these brave men and women. We want to make a difference in each and every volunteer fire/ems house in the world. Whether it means increased donations or just shifting the public paradigm, our purpose is to see volunteer houses thrive, decrease LODD’s and see that ALL volunteer company’s have the funding to continue to properly support the communities they serve. If we can make a difference in just one volunteer fire/ems house, we will have been successful!

The show is brought to you by Dropping Plates

Find out more: FacebookYouTubeVimeoFan BuzzVideoContact Shirts

The Battalion

Formed in 1997 by David Furtado, Tule Fog Productions LLC (pronounced Tool-ee) conceives, develops, and produces original content for television, films, and the Internet.

For over three years, Tule Fog Production LLC has been developing and now producing The Battalion-The Series. Each webisode has the look and feel of a fully produced episodic series for television. Using state of the art streaming technology, they can be watched in full screen-mode online or downloaded to be viewed and saved on your computer to be viewed later or on an iPod, Cell-phone, and many other compatible devices.

Check them out at

Burn – One Year on the front lines of the battle to save Detroit

BURN is a documentary about Detroit, told through the eyes of Detroit firefighters, who are on the front lines charged with the thankless task of saving a city — and an American Dream — that many have written off as dead. We made a 10-minute trailer. Please SHARE, ASK QUESTIONS, DONATE so we can start production on the film as soon as possible. From

Beyond the Lights and Sirens

Originally the Chronicles of EMS…and before that simply “The Project”

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah…I know what you are thinking…What the hell does EMS have to do with it? Well, it has a lot to do with it in this sense. While the pilot episode for Chronicles of EMS was sold as being about EMS (and it is), it is done in a Fire based EMS system. That is right, San Francisco was the setting and it one of the main characters, Justin Schorr, is a firefighter/paramedic for San Francisco Fire Department. I think it fits in the scope of what I am trying to do here.

Visit Chronicles of EMS here

Chronicles of EMS – The Reality Series (Season 1 Episode 1) from Thaddeus Setla on Vimeo.

Burning Down

Burning Down is a brought to you by Christopher Stadulis. He is trying to turn it into a major motion picture. See the information below and a video about the making of Burning Down.

Text is from the youtube video:

For more info go to…

I, Christopher Stadulis, have an incredible story to share that will have an affect on people from all walks of life. My personal story will inspire many who are struggling and or have struggled as recovering alcoholics and or drug addicts, those who have lived or still do live with a substance abuser and empower them with the strength to realize YOU can overcome anything life throws at you, but change starts from within!

My film, “Burning Down”, is a compelling, emotional Drama short inspired by true events. After completion, my long term goal is to pitch it to a number of A-list industry professionals, some of who I am in contact with and some I will reach out to for the first time to see who would be interested in getting it made into a full-length feature for theatrical release.

Tagline: After hitting rock bottom, a troubled NYC Firefighter relives his painful past in hopes of piecing together his future.

Think- “Goodwill Hunting” meets “Rescue Me” meets “Clean and Sober”

I would be remiss if I didn’t also mention the next one…while it might not fit in with all of the rest, it is about firefighting and offered on video.

Fire Rescue TV

Fire Rescue TV is a news platform developed by retired Virginia Beach Firefighter Martin Grube. The network continues to grow every day. Fire Rescue TV offers news broadcasts, fire coverage, and other news in the fire service. Visit They also post some of their video on youtube…see below.

Fireman Ross

Hell, maybe we should just make a half hour sitcom about Ross from the Tonight Show with Jay Leno!!! You didn’t think I would pass up an opportunity to post this video did you?