And a Paycheck too!
Author: Will Wyatt
Web site:
Published: 2010
Publisher: The P3 Press
ISBN-13: 978-1-933651-82-8
ISBN-10: 1-933651-82-2
Pages: 184 + color pictures
Cost: $19.95
Purchase the book here
This is a great idea for a Christmas present for a firefighter!
I first heard about And A Paycheck Too! from Dave Statter. Read his article on the book here. Apparently Will is a fan of Statter’s and even mentions him in the book. That is pretty cool for a blogger!
I emailed Will and asked him if I could get a copy for a review. I had no idea what to expect, but I assure you that by chapter 4 I was hooked. This is a great book.
Will writes in a way that captivates your attention and makes you not want to put the book down. His dry humor is well received and his style of writing makes it feel as though he is talking to you in conversation. Several times while reading I found myself laughing out loud!
One thing that really got my attention was how Will doesn’t make it out like he is some award winning, decorated, and better than everyone else firefighter. He owns up that he is nothing special and just does his job like most of us. He enjoys it too. Sure, he has seen his fair share of death and destruction like the rest of us, he just doesn’t think he is anything special. I disagree. This guy wrote a book. That is no small task.
Just Another Day at the Office for a Veteran Firefighter
The book is a walk through his 20+ year career as a firefighter. There are numerous funny stories, life lessons, and even a look at September 11th.
I recommend this book to everyone!
The title: “One day at work, after witnessing a particularly bizarre occurrence, Will actually remarked to his coworkers, “All this, and a paycheck, too!” It stuck.”
The author: “Will has been involved in the fire service for twenty-five years, starting off as a 9-1-1 dispatcher. Along the way, Will has been a firefighter, a full-time training officer, a fire marshal, and has held numerous other ranks.
Today, Will is an Engineer/Operator with the Village Fire Department in west Houston. Will lives in the Houston area with his wife of twenty years, Karen, and their two children.”
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