Firefighter Suspended After Letting it All Hang Out

A Los Alamos County Firefighter is on paid suspension and his Fire Chief says he might lose his job.

Los Alamos Firefighter Brandon Gore has been charged with indecent exposure after an incident where a woman says he flashed her.

Read below or watch the video below for more information.


Gore was charged with indecent exposure in Albuquerque on Sunday, after a woman claims she walked by him on the Alameda pedestrian bridge in the bosque, as he showed off his privates.

“I have not talked to him personally,” said Tucker. “I do not know his side of the story. It looks bad if you read the summons.”

Gore told Bernalillo County deputies that he only realized he was exposed after the woman walked by.

He claims he was still drunk at 1:30 p.m. from partying the night before.

He said he took a walk to clear his head and needed to urinate. But, he claims after relieving himself he forgot to tuck himself back in.

Gore wasn’t arrested for the misdemeanor but was charged, though he didn’t tell his supervisors.