No Ambition But One…”I will make a bold and unpopular pronouncement: there is too much to know how to do, and do well, for a volunteer to keep up.”

What do you think? I imagine that some of you love that statement and others would like to knock someone’s teeth out right now.

The title line comes from part 1 of articles which can be found on the blog No Ambition But One.

I recommend the articles. They bring up some great points about the fire service. Check it out and let me know what you think.

I think there is certain merit to a lot discussed in these three articles. One thing that stuck in my mind was that two-hatters are spared from this argument. This should be a welcomed sign, typically they get thrown around a little in each debate.

Read part 1 here, part 2 here, and part 3 here.

From part 1: I will make a bold and unpopular pronouncement: there is too much to know how to do, and do well, for a volunteer to keep up.

From part 2: It’s high time for the fire service to quit trying to do everything and focus on selling what we do best.

From part 3: It’s quite obvious that a guy who is working a “real job” 60+ hours a week can hardly master the science of the fire service, much less the art of what we do. Hell, I spend much more time than that at work every week and still have very little idea of what’s going on.