is going strong and better than ever! I created the web site a while back as a sub-site of The reason I started it was because I started posting a lot of videos on FC and realized that maybe there was a need for another site. I was kinda right and kinda wrong.
The truth is that web sites are time consuming. I tried my best at updating FGV in a timely manner but realized I just didn’t have the time.
Now it does it for me. That’s right, is updated every hour with a fireground video. The science is not exact and occasionally I have to go back and delete a “Alice Cooper House on Fire” video.
The great news for me is that it is automated. Not to many people would admit that, but I am an honest person. It pulls firefighting videos from Youtube automatically.
I am not competing with the likes of Firefighter Spot, STATter911, or (where you will see some of the best and latest videos). I am merely syndicating videos that you might not have seen.
The site is updated every hour and it features a random array of new and old video. Check it out!
We have a facebook page and update on twitter as well. The links are in the sidebar!